Friday, January 4, 2013

I tend to go other directions than Tigersue

Although I do have some oils at home, I am not as fully into them as my sister so you will have to ask her advice for any true knowledge. I enjoy oils, but am still wishing for something we haven't gotten yet for foods, let alone this, more REAL studies and not observational ones.

I realize that we have forgotten a lot of knowledge we used to use in our rush to the Doctors office for the newest, latest and greatest drug big pharma has created. Does that mean I don't believe in drug treatments. NO! I am not that end of the spectrum. Am I at the one where it all has to be "natural". NO! Just ask my opinion of "organic".  You might get an earful. Both need our brains and logic, but I don't want to throw out the baby with the bath water on either end.

What do I mean by the other direction? Well I tend to look into supplementation with minerals and other things. My favorite friend over the last year or so is Vitamin D. None of us living in the area we do are getting enough. Period. It's hard to do because you have to be outside WITHOUT sunscreen and fairly unclothed for your body to make enough. Get real.. this is UTAH. From the standpoint of what we wear, and how much of our year is spent tilted away from the sun, I believe everyone needs to supplement Vitamin D.

Tigersue is right, I can get pretty sick but the last two times I did get something, my total time sick was a lot less than I am used to. The cold I got last spring lasted 5 days. For me that is truly miraculous. I was done, over and no lingering cough like I usually get.

This stomach flu my family has been blessed with was a lot less virulent for me than the rest of my family. My poor husband was in really bad shape, and given that I got it, if it had been my usual before supplementing Vitamin D, I would have been down worse. I did okay.  Was over in a day.

My other friends are Vitamin K2, to help with the building of bones and a mix of Magnesium, calcium and zinc.  I sleep better with the magnesium, and notice if I miss my daily dose.

As with everything, you have to study for you and find what you feel right for you and your family. Don't  feel pushed not to try things from the do it the mainstream crowd, and don't feel pushed by the "give your family this natural fix" crowd either. There is information out there for either and it is okay to go your road. You aren't more wrong if you don't even want to try my Vitamin D.. :)  but I would encourage you to get your level taken. It might be the one single most thing you can do to help you heal.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Oregano, an essential oil to have in your medicine cabinet.

I thought I would talk about lemon, or lavender, or peppermint, but when I really understood the power of Oregano I knew I had to mention this one.  As I have started this journey into researching essential oils I have learned so much and and I know I need to learn so much more.  One of the things that bothers me is the arguing between the IPC of Doterra/Young Living and aromatherapist.  Aromatherapists remind me of old school Dr.s and almost want to keep control of their living.  They have all kinds of warnings, and you shouldn't do this or that because of this or that reason.  On the other hand the Doterra/YLO group are so into doing it yourself they do tend to ignore that all things can have side effects, indeed one of the reasons oils can work and do work would be considered a side effect.  So please do research and think logically about what you decide to do.  Essential Oils are powerful and as such should be respected, they may be natures medicine but that doesn't mean there aren't risks and side effects to such things.  I would be stupid to suggest that there weren't.

Case in point is Oregano, one of the most powerful of all essential oils, it is an antimicrobial and can kill many things.  It has been studied and tested against antibiotics and it performs as well as the antibiotics it was tested against and better than a couple of them.  Now I need to do more research to find out if bacteria can become resistant to an oil so use judiciously.  From what I learned Oregano is one oil that you cannot take for more than 10 days, it will kill all good bacteria so be sure you take a good probiotic while you take it.  Save it for those illnesses that need a bit more power.  It is a hot oil, it will burn, don't give it to kids, turn to Melaluca for that.  It also is antimicrobial but not as harsh or hot to the system.  Oregano is an oil that I'm impressed with just because of its power.  I plan on getting some and keeping it stocked in my cabinet.  With more and more bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics there may come a time when Oregano Oil will be needed.  Instructions I saw stated to use it for no more than 10 days, and to take it for two days beyond when you feel better.  Example if you feel better on day 3, take it for 2 more days.  Research, research, research, to find out what you are comfortable with.

I am a believer in modern medicine so don't ignore that Dr. visit, particularly for kids, strep is not an infection I would mess with, but I would talk to a Dr. about using essential oils in tandem with your health care.  I believe God has blessed us with both and there is no reason to eliminate either out of our choice in caring for ourselves.